We encourage you to register your highest level of studies in the PROFETIT Global Validation and Certification System, so that you can obtain your International Identity Card with a photograph, with validation in the private sector of the 193 countries that belong to and are members of the United Nations UN; your registration allows you to support the fight against global educational corruption.
Give value, credibility and confidence to your level of higher education and postgraduate professional studies by receiving the International Degree Certificate (Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree and Doctorate Degree); a document in English that allows you to validate, thanks to your International Identity Card (granted by FINTES), your highest level of studies anywhere in the world.
Provide INSTITUTIONAL VALUE and International Presence to both your institution and the training (education, consulting, coaching) that you offer to your diverse (clients-executives-professionals) through your INTERNATIONAL LICENSE to validate your training topics before the world.
Are you a Teacher/Academic? Acquire the International License to validate your educational teaching level (exclusive for academics/teachers and trainers) a license that allows you to support any educational institution or company in Latin America, with endorsement by the International Federation of Specialists FINTES, the transmission of knowledge through the teaching of online classes.
GLOCE, present as a sponsor of the Seventh World Summit on Higher Education and Professional Skills CEDYCOP-2024, one of the most important educational events in the world; to be held at the Hotel Galería Plaza Reforma in Mexico City, on November 21, 22 and 23, 2024.
Who are we?
about Gloce
For 32 years, we have been a world leader in registering and promoting your professional career …
Our 3 leading services in the market
The International Degree Certificate (Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree and Doctorate Degree)
The International Degree Certificate (Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree and Doctorate Degree)
International Licenses to give international
International Licenses to give international
International Licenses to validate your level of educational teaching (exclusive for academics/teachers and trainers)
International Licenses to validate your level of educational teaching (exclusive for academics/teachers and trainers)
International Licenses for Educational Institutions and Business Organizations; as well as for Professionals in their Branch or Sector:
Folios de Registro Internacional para Entidades con Licencia Internacional para Emitir Certificados Internacionales ENG
$2,500.00Folios de Registro Internacional para Entidades con Licencia Internacional para Emitir Certificados Internacionales.
- Emisiones de 1 a 100 Certificados Internacionales con Folio de Registro Personal.
Folios de Registro Internacional para Entidades con Licencia Internacional para Emitir Certificados Internacionales ENG
$2,000.00Folios de Registro Internacional para Entidades con Licencia Internacional para Emitir Certificados Internacionales.
- Emisiones de 101 a 1000 Certificados Internacionales con Folio de Registro Personal.
Folios de Registro Internacional para Entidades con Licencia Internacional para Emitir Certificados Internacionales ENG
$1,500.00Folios de Registro Internacional para Entidades con Licencia Internacional para Emitir Certificados Internacionales.
- Emisiones de 1001 Certificados Internacionales en adelante con Folio de Registro Personal
Licencias Internacionales para Instituciones Educativas y Organizaciones Empresariales ENG
$39,000.00Licencias Internacionales para Instituciones Educativas y Organizaciones Empresariales; así como para Profesionales en su Ramo o Sector.